Raman reference sample with 10 polymorphous minerals

Used to demonstrate the added value of Raman spectroscopy alongside EDS. Due to the similarity in chemistry, EDS will not show the difference, and Raman can be used to distinguish the minerals.

Polymorphus reference minerals for Raman mineral analysis. It is mounted and polished in a standard 12.5 mm pin stub.

  1. Silica – SiO2
  2. Quartz – SiO2
  3. Chalcedony – SiO2
  4. Aragonite – CaCO3
  5. Calcite – CaCO3
  6. Pyrite – FeS2
  7. Marcasite – FeS2
  8. Rutile – TiO2
  9. Anatase – TiO2
  10. Brookite – TiO2

Can be mounted on these SEM brands:
FEI / Thermo Fisher, Hitachi*, Jeol*, Phenom, Tescan and Zeiss microscopes.

  • Product number: 10_Ram
  • Price per unit: € 687,50
* Require a pin stub adapter
10_Ram (Polymorphs)
Raman reference sample with 10 polymorphous minerals BSD image
Periodic Today Reference standards- Polymorphs 10_Ram